Monday, September 22, 2008

The Extra Paper Card

I have an 18 and 1/2 inch neck. Yup, pretty girthy and not the easiest to find shirt sizes for, but wow does it come in handy for this example.

My 2 year old has a cold, so I ran to CVS to get her some children's Tylenol. Ok - you see that - 1 item. The cashier asked for my Extra Care Card, scans it, and out slithers a python-length receipt:

I told you my neck was big - but as you can see the receipt is slightly bigger. Then, the cashier bursts into sing-song:

Wow! You've got some coupons!

...for the Abreva pump. How did they figure I had cold sores from buying children's Tylenol? Anyway, they have my e-mail addy from when I signed up for the Extra Care Card, why don't they e-mail me the coupons and let me decide which one's I want?

I must be missing something; I mean with an international focus on being environmentally conscious, why do I continue to easily stumble upon high profile corporate leaders blatantly disregarding their responsibility?

1 comment:

Drew said...

so true. Companies waste so much paper every day. Not only could they save the environment by using less paper, they could also save themselves a lot of money by not buying so much paper, also they will save more ink (very expensive I'm sure). What is the use in distributing so many hard copies of coupons when electronic copies do the trick just fine?